eTwinning - Spain
Wpisał: Oliwia Osadnik   



 "Getting to know each other"
Registered on 25.02.2010.
The project has being done with
Escola L’Antina de Torredembarra, Spain


 "Poznajmy się!"


We are making an album in PowerPoint about customs and traditions of our partner school

Art, Cross Curricular, Foreign Languages, History, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Media Education, Music, Primary School Subjects

Languages: English
Pupil's age: 9 - 13

Tools to be used:
e-mail, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings)

Aims: Getting to know the culture and customs of the partners

Work process: In this academic course 2009-2010, both primary school in Bytom, Poland, and Escola L’Antina de Torredembarra, Spain, are twinned because of our project 'Getting to know each other'. This is an eTwinning Project. Thus the pupils and teachers from both schools will contact each other through the Internet.

Expected results: As a final effect we will have an album in PowerPoint in English.








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Zmieniony ( 16.03.2017. )